How To Disappear Completely - Radiohead



The only reason for honing onto this track as opposed to any other in a back catalogue whose range defies belief is a personal one. It signifies how the best of times and the worst of times really do sidle up to one another. I first met your dear proprietor when filming a mini-series called To the Ends of The Earth for dear old Auntie (BBC) in South Africa which and I'd had the most amazing time on the job and a weekend learning to scuba dive with two other cast members -- the best of times. Then the front right tyre blew on our car, we pulled in and were surrounded by men who came out of the bush and we were carjacked -- the worst of times. A long (2.5 hours of ordeal) story but the intrinsic part for the song choice is that it was playing just before the tyre blew when I had lit a spiff and was contemplating how ridiculously blissfully happy I was. The next time I heard it was bundled against the windscreen of the car on the front passengers' knees with my back and head hitting the windscreen as we were driven off road. My bum hit the car stereo and for a few surreal minutes Tom Yorke was sound tracking me to my death. I turned round as we bounced over the sand track, the headlights showing the passing sugar cane and kept thinking of the shallow graves they dug for themselves in the movie Casino as the master of introspection and modern ennui Mr Tom Yorke sang 'I'm not here... This isn't happening' ... We all lived.

有别于清单里别的曲目,这首歌很颠覆,我对它的执念源于个人因素。它阐释了什么是“祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏”。我第一次见你们亲爱的老板时,【按:猜是Two Paddocks的老板,拥有新西兰一个小家庭酒坊】 还是在为我亲爱的老阿姨BBC 【按:不懂这个昵称是啥意思,只知道先生说自己为BBC拍了不少东西,以至于可以直接改名叫BBC了】在南非拍摄迷你剧《 直至世界的尽头》的时候。我度过了一段非常美妙的时光,工作顺利,我在一个周末和另外两位演员去学了潜水----这是“福”。(可在潜水归来的路上)我们的车右前胎爆了,我们一停下车,就被一群从树丛里钻出来的人包围住了,我们被劫车了。----这是“祸”。经历了两个半小时的折磨,说来话长【按:总之先生被打劫一空,被掳走,还被关进了后备箱,期间他一直尽力和绑匪沟通】,重点是在车爆胎前,我们正在放这首歌。我当时还一边整理衣服,一边觉得自己幸福地不可思议。可下一刻我听到这歌时,我就已经背对着挡风玻璃被捆了起来,我的膝盖顶着副驾上的同伴,我的头和背一直撞到挡风玻璃上,我们就这样被带上了路。我的屁股撞到了车载音响,在那段恍惚不真切的几分钟时间里,Tom Yorke唱着歌,听上去就像是在为我送终。当车开上沙路,我转过身看见车前灯照亮了我们掠过的甘蔗林,我当时想着赌城风云里面的角色们自掘坟墓的行径,各种自省。Tom Yorke用时髦又倦怠的腔调唱着“'I'm not here... This isn't happening' ... ”。。。最后我们都幸存了。

How To Disappear Completely

By Lightseason

That there

That's not me

I go

Where I please

I walk through walls

I float down the Liffey

I'm not here

This isn't happening

I'm not here

I'm not here

In a little while

I'll be gone

The moment's already passed

Yeah it's gone

And I'm not here

This isn't happening

I'm not here

I'm not here

Strobe lights and blown speakers

Fireworks and hurricanes

I'm not here

This isn't happening

I'm not here

I'm not here


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